With the foundation of Angelology, Spiritual Practice, Intuitive and Mystical Skills, Consciousness, and Angel Counseling laid, it's time to focus on the skills of ministry.
Pre-Requisites: Angel Reader Certification, Angel Counselor Certification and Angel Ministry
Attend a retreat where the final ordination and anointing will take place passing on the lineage of the Seraphim and initiating you into The Order of the Seraphim. You won't want to miss this life changing experience. There will be additional tuition and fees for the Ordination to cover the costs of accommodation, meals, materials, and your travel.
Sacred Event Preparation, Homiletics and Leadership
Hands-on experience preparing for sacred events. Room blessing, altar set up, blessing holy water and anointing oil. Invoking angels and God. Event preparation and room set-up for optimal flow of energy. How to use music in sacred ceremony and events. Leading sacred circles. Homiletics, deliver a sacred message.
The Signature Wedding
Get the basics on what you need to know to officiate at weddings. You'll receive The Signature Wedding book by Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno. This is two books in one. A Love Manual for Happy Marriage, and a comprehensive source book for ministers to use with couples in prenuptial counseling as well as designing the wedding ceremony. You'll learn how to put together a unique wedding ceremony and even get a little bit of practice! Training includes a step-by-step guide for working with brides and grooms.
The Sacraments of Baptism & Holy Communion Blessing & Holy Water for Baptism
Practical hands-on training to prepare and administer the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. Learn the value of these sacraments, where and when to administer to supplicants. Holy Communion for the sick and dying during home and hospital visits.
Ordination and Anointing
Not like a school graduation, this life altering experience of anointing calls you into union with your true being where you will claim your heritage in the Seraphim Lineage and the souls who are destined to come to you for healing. Dance in the joy of soul and Divine Oneness that result from deep prayer, meditation, and focused endeavor. Then fall into the arms of your eternal beloved as you open your heart, mind, body and soul to receive the mantle authority and vision of your ministry.
Starting Your Ministry
Now that you're ordained, what is your next step? Visioning and business planning for your Angel Ministry. Sacred marketing of your services. Developing your congregation through events, counseling, sacraments, weddings, speaking.
P.O. Box 694
Port Angeles, WA 98362